Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium (PP) funding is allocated to schools from the Government on the basis of children on roll who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), or who have been entitled within the past 6 years. It is also allocated to children who have been Looked After (CLA) and to children whose parents are members of the Armed Forces. The funding is intended to narrow the achievement gap between PP children and their peers and all schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how it has been used.
Our vision for Pupil Premium at Newton Primary School
At Newton Primary, all of our staff strive to achieve the absolute best outcomes they can for every child through quality first teaching. We invest in high quality training for all staff to ensure teaching and learning is of a consistently high quality for everyone. We recognise that not every child receiving PPG is socially disadvantaged and also that not every child who is disadvantaged receives PPG. By focusing on children’s individual needs we aim to enable every child to achieve and make the best progress they can. Whilst maintaining a careful track of all pupils’ progress, we also closely track how well PPG children are achieving in comparison to their peers in order to close the gap.
We prioritise the use of pupil premium to ensure that it has the biggest impact on the life chances and education of our children. We use the money for:
- Focus on every child becoming a reader in the early years and year 1
- Providing support for educational visits throughout the year
- Providing pastoral support for children and families
- Targeted intervention in Maths and English within classes- every class is well supported every morning
- Ensuring attendance is a high priority
- Keep up intervention & customised learning for children so they feel confident to achieve.
- Boost the confidence of all learners so they can achieve.