Rainbow Room Pastoral Support
Mrs. Sanderson is the school's Pastoral Manager. She is responsible for providing pastoral intervention and support for any child that requires it. Some children receive ongoing support and others for shorter periods of time; the support is directed as and when it is required. Mrs. Sanderson has been a well respected member of staff for over 10 years, she has excellent relationships with the community and this helps her to be highly effective in her role. The support she provides the children with helps to remove learning barriers making them feel safe and valued.
Mrs. Sanderson is able to provide children across the school with the following support when it is required:
- 1:1 discussion time reflecting on a particular issue
- Discussion time in small groups to develop social skills
- Lego Therapy Play (for small groups)
- Facilitate social games to improve social skills and communication
- Use social stories and explore these with identified children
- Provide children with time to explore their feelings and emotions about a particular issue
- Practical activities promoting good wellbeing, for example, gardening
- Support parents with home issues, for example, poor sleeping, negative behaviours etc.
Mrs. Sanderson can also provide families/parents with support if required. She is trained to complete Early Help Assessments (EHA) which help families/parents identify any further support from external agencies they may require. The EHA is an holistic assessment and a copy of the form used can be access by clicking on the link below.
Our Rainbow Room
Our Rainbow Room has been developed to make the children feel safe and comfortable. The Rainbow Room is located outside of the main school building so it is peaceful and quiet for the children. The room is also used to meet with parents/carers.